Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Two Poems On Indian Woman

Two Poems On Indian Woman

1. Genuine Trust

This English Poem Highlights the poor condition of females in the society in which they had to make a Genuine Trust on the males , though they too are the culprits.

He commented ,”
You are my heart ,
You are my soul ,
You are my everything ,
but you did’t play a big role .
I shocked and asked why  ……….. ,
“Tell me the reason that why I can not fly ?
though I too had a lot of imaginations ,
a dream like you ,
to achieve a goal and a destination of my life too .
So what will happen about my dreams ?
When You are ready to cut my wings .
He replied firmly that ,
“though you too are a bird , a bird like me ,
but our society constructed a cage for you .
It was coming from the past ,
to kept your women in the glass ,
so I am helpless ………. my dear ,
due to that society fear ,
I couldn’t break that rule .
A rule which our ancestors made ,
for us to be fool ,
As You ……… ” Women” were the clever fox ,
could deceive us easily ,
and at last blamed us that We hurt Your dignity .
You were the sole responsible ,
A big culprit indeed ,
for all those crimes ,
where Rape, Molestation ,Violence  ……
were everyday’s shine .
So its better for You  ………
not to fly high and ,
to kept your mouth shut ,
and looked into my eyes ,
for a Genuine Trust .
I immediately crushed ,
my boiling thoughts ,
my dreams , my desires ,
and left his thoughts ,
for satire .
And Thought ,
that this is the twentieth century ,
in which We are living ,
and still We are blaming our females ,
for those acts that they are bearing .
Bravo ! …….. the males ,
Bravo ! …….. the citizens ,
Yes  ………. We are still looking ,
for a Genuine Trust ,
that You are giving .

2.  Life became a trap

This English Poem Highlights the scene of a domestic violence in which an Indian women had to stay with Her husband after many humiliation and violence as that proved to be a trap for Her.

A silence mode ………. a deep remorse ,
for the act ,
that is remorseless .
He again insulted …. in between ,
where the life was ,
far from seen .
Tears flowed  ………. then stopped ,
but the heart was,
totally blocked
That was a  ………. mental shock .
instead of a physical one ,
where torturing someone was a game of fun .
Though was not a  ……….. clear violence ,
but a trailer of the domestic scene ,
where movie stopped to search some other queen .
At such a mishap  ………. Life became a trap ,
where one couldn’t go ,
either in a hell or a heavenly lap.

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